Selector Spread WIXOSS Review

This is review number four hundred and thirty three. This anime is part of the Fall 2014 lineup, and it’s called Selector Spread WIXOSS. It’s a twelve episode anime about a very confusing card game. Seriously, someone explain the rules to me. Let’s read on.

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Rewrite Review

This is review number three hundred and ninety six. This anime is part of the Summer 2016 lineup. The anime I’ll be reviewing is called Rewrite, and it’s a thirteen episode anime about some stuff. Actually, it’s about a lot of stuff and perhaps too many stuff. This review is long, so let’s just read on.

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Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? Review

This is review number three hundred and seventy five. This anime is part of the Spring 2016 lineup, and it’ll be the last of six current shows that I’ll be reviewing. The anime is called “Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?” or “And you thought there is never a girl online?” You can tell from the title that it’s a light novel anime, and it’s a pretty basic one. By basic, I mean bad. This one is bad. Let’s read on.

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Tokyo Ravens Review

This is review number three hundred and fourteen. This anime is part of the Fall 2013 lineup. The anime I’ll be reviewing is called Tokyo Ravens. It’s a twenty four episode anime about a bunch of characters attending an onmyouji school in Tokyo. It is complex but oh so satisfying. This review is long because I went overboard with the praises. Yeah, I’m ashamed of that. Let’s read on.

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Selector Infected WIXOSS Review

This is review number two hundred and eighty eight. This anime is still part of the Spring 2014 lineup. The anime I’ll be reviewing is called Selector Infected WIXOSS. It’s a twelve episode anime about Madoka playing Yugi Oh. Ahahahaha. I’m laughing at myself. Let’s read on.

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